Saturday, October 2, 2010

I'm Confused! What Exactly is the Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet)?

The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade diet, is a 10 day liquid detox. It is known for its effectiveness and quick results. The Master Cleanse became extremely popular when people found out that Beyonce Knowles tried it and lost a significant amount of weight for her role in Dream Girls.

What does the Master Cleanse consist of? The Master Cleanse is a beverage made up of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water. That's it! This combination of ingredients may sound gross, but it is actually pretty tasty. It basically tastes like lemonade with a bit of heat. All the ingredients must be pure. This means that you use juice from real lemons, pure maple syrup and spring water. All of the ingredients must be measured out exactly for maximum benefits. While on the Lemonade Diet, you also drink a laxative tea day and night and drink plenty of water.

How often do I drink the lemonade? You are required to drink at least 6 cups of lemonade a day, plus several bottles of spring water. It is up to you how much you decide to drink at one time. For instance, some people will drink the majority of the lemonade at breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between meals, they may take a few sips to ward off hunger. Others prefer to just sip on the lemonade throughout the day whenever they feel hungry, instead of waiting for specific meal times.

Can I eat on the Lemonade Diet and will I be hungry? The Master Cleanse is a liquid detox, which means that eating is not allowed! Despite this fact, most people are not hungry while on the lemonade diet. Unlike a water detox, the Master Cleanse consists of ingredients that flush your body while keeping you satisfied at the same time. If you do experience hunger, it is suggested that you drink more lemonade. You can drink as much lemonade and as much water as you want.

What can I expect while on the Master Cleanse? You can expect that the toilet will be your very best friend. You will find yourself having to use the bathroom very frequently throughout the day. It is not uncommon to go less than every hour in the beginning. Some people experience headaches or nausea, which can be a sign that toxins are effectively being expelled from the body.

Will the lemonade diet leave me feeling weak or tired? Unlike most diets and detoxes, the Master Cleanse does not leave you feeling weak or tired. In fact, some people report feeling a greater level of energy on the detox because of fewer toxins in the body. Many people continue on with their daily lives and even continue to go to the gym without having any symptoms of nausea. However, you should play it safe by not overexerting yourself.

More on natural detoxes!

Article Source:!-What-Exactly-is-the-Master-Cleanse-(Lemonade-Diet)?&id=2862699

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