Saturday, October 2, 2010

Dr Natura Colonix - A Complete Colon Detox System

The human body is subjected to a myriad of toxins and chemically enhanced products, some or even most of which you are not even aware of, which cause a build up of metabolic waste and mucus in the fold and crevices of the colon and digestive system in total. Dr. Natura Colonix: A Complete Colon Detox System is a perfect blend of cleansers and fibrous dietary supplements which, when put together, help the digestive tract and expel any unwanted waste from your body by using a colon detox.

What to Expect from Dr. Natura Colonix

Dr. Natura Colonix -Colon Cleanse complete Kit - (Liver, Kidney, Colon, And Parasite Cleanse)
The results are weight loss, boosted energy levels, reduction of stomach cramps, aches and bloatedness as well as a feeling of wellbeing. The herbal dietary fiber helps reduce the formation of new material and increases digestive transit. This helps increase energy levels and reduce fatigue as the system has been flushed thoroughly.

What is Included in the Colon Cleansing Kit?

As well as having a cleansed colon, which means there is a lack of bacteria or being held onto, this means there aren't harmful parasites which feed on human waste. Intestinal worms or the eggs of these parasites are cleared from the body and helps get the body back into a more natural state of being. The Dr. Natura: A Complete Colon Detox System Kit has Paranil Anti-Parasite Support which is a mixture of 18 herbs blended together to fight against the parasites. This powerful product is safe to use for adults although for children Paranil Jr is recommended.

Also included in the kit is KleriTea for Regularity and Detoxification, this helps promote regularity for waste excretion as well as restoring the normal function of the bowel. Having cleansed and maintained a healthier colon, this reduces the susceptibility of colon cancer and other health related issues. KleriTea is a natural laxative which starts the process in the purification of the bowel. As it can take around 8 hours to begin, after consuming, therefore it may be beneficial to have it as a night time beverage especially as there is no caffeine included.

The Truth About the Colon Cleaning Kit Treatment

Combining all parts of the colon detox kit has a complete affect on the digestive system which allows the body to be cleansed of impurities, reduce the ill-affects of harboring colonic parasites and promotes regular bowel movements. The positive results are:heightened sense of wellbeing, increased energy, soothed nervous system and reduction of stomach pains. Dr. Natura: A Complete Colon Detox System is a must have for bowel problems.
Do you want to detox your body to lose weight and maintain your health? Get tips about a natural detox and a detox diet today!

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What Does a Healthy Poop Look Like? Body Detox Benefits

The smell, weight and color of your stool provides a great deal of information about how your body is doing, health wise. Many people use the bathroom and then flush their stool quickly without a second thought. If anything, you are probably aware of how often you go, but have no idea what your poop looks like. You can use a stool chart as a reference. It contains images and descriptions about the type of stool and what it means.

How a Body Detox Can Help

The next time you have a bowel movement, take a moment to observe your stool. The ideal stool should be medium brown (the color of a paper bag) and buoyant. It should also appear smooth and taper off at the ends. By observing your stool, you will start to notice that when you eat fried foods or junk food, your stool is dark brown, bulky and sinks like a rock to the bottom of the toilet. However, when you eat healthy foods, such as fruit and vegetables, your stool will be medium brown in color and float at the time. The smell of a healthy stool is less pungent and is easier to expel from the body. A stool produced from fried foods will have a foul odor and will require more pressure in order to release it from the body. Too much straining in the anal area can lead to hemorrhoids. A body detox will regulate your bowel movements and soften your stools. The easiest way to detox your body is to incorporate fruit and vegetables in to your daily diet.

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I'm Confused! What Exactly is the Master Cleanse (Lemonade Diet)?

The Master Cleanse, also known as the Lemonade diet, is a 10 day liquid detox. It is known for its effectiveness and quick results. The Master Cleanse became extremely popular when people found out that Beyonce Knowles tried it and lost a significant amount of weight for her role in Dream Girls.

What does the Master Cleanse consist of? The Master Cleanse is a beverage made up of lemon juice, cayenne pepper and water. That's it! This combination of ingredients may sound gross, but it is actually pretty tasty. It basically tastes like lemonade with a bit of heat. All the ingredients must be pure. This means that you use juice from real lemons, pure maple syrup and spring water. All of the ingredients must be measured out exactly for maximum benefits. While on the Lemonade Diet, you also drink a laxative tea day and night and drink plenty of water.

How often do I drink the lemonade? You are required to drink at least 6 cups of lemonade a day, plus several bottles of spring water. It is up to you how much you decide to drink at one time. For instance, some people will drink the majority of the lemonade at breakfast, lunch and dinner. In between meals, they may take a few sips to ward off hunger. Others prefer to just sip on the lemonade throughout the day whenever they feel hungry, instead of waiting for specific meal times.

Can I eat on the Lemonade Diet and will I be hungry? The Master Cleanse is a liquid detox, which means that eating is not allowed! Despite this fact, most people are not hungry while on the lemonade diet. Unlike a water detox, the Master Cleanse consists of ingredients that flush your body while keeping you satisfied at the same time. If you do experience hunger, it is suggested that you drink more lemonade. You can drink as much lemonade and as much water as you want.

What can I expect while on the Master Cleanse? You can expect that the toilet will be your very best friend. You will find yourself having to use the bathroom very frequently throughout the day. It is not uncommon to go less than every hour in the beginning. Some people experience headaches or nausea, which can be a sign that toxins are effectively being expelled from the body.

Will the lemonade diet leave me feeling weak or tired? Unlike most diets and detoxes, the Master Cleanse does not leave you feeling weak or tired. In fact, some people report feeling a greater level of energy on the detox because of fewer toxins in the body. Many people continue on with their daily lives and even continue to go to the gym without having any symptoms of nausea. However, you should play it safe by not overexerting yourself.

More on natural detoxes!

Article Source:!-What-Exactly-is-the-Master-Cleanse-(Lemonade-Diet)?&id=2862699

Kill Parasites Living in Your Body with a Colon Detox

Parasites enter your body from animals and contaminated food or water. That's right. Your cuddly little pet may be giving you parasites. These little creatures are microscopic but feed off the nutrients that enter your body. This means that your body is not getting the vitamins and minerals it needs. Although parasites are microscopic, sometimes visible worms live inside the intestines. Many parasites can be found in your colon. Your colon is approximately 5 feet long . Once you do a colon detox, you may see some of these worms as they are expelled from your body. Have you ever heard of the phrase, death starts in the colon? The key to a long, healthy life is to ensure that you take care of your colon. An unclean and toxic colon can lead to health concerns, such as:

o Fatigue

o Digestive Problems

o Loss of appetite

o Constipation

o Muscle Pain

o Weight Gain

o Headaches

o Itchy skin

o Hemorrhoids

o Irritable Bowel Syndrome

You probably spend time everyday washing your hair, brushing your teeth and bathing yourself. Have you ever had a colon detox? If not, then it is probably clogged with waste from all the years that you have been living. This waste includes built up fecal matter, debris and of course, parasites. In fact, millions of people live with parasites everyday without even knowing it. The best way to maintain a healthy colon is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Eating healthy is a great way to prevent harmful buildup in your body. A natural colon cleanser can be used to treat an already infected body.

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